cake face one year later

We celebrated Abram's first birthday this weekend with friends and 2 uncles. Abram is 1 tomorrow and I am remembering a year ago coming home from an Over the Rhine concert and thinking maybe tomorrow?! Abram is such a content little guy and is my little snuggler. He is becoming more of a little boy each day. As he and Malachi play together more I realize he is 1. He is almost walking - he takes a few steps on his own and will walk around everything and with his push toy. He loves eating with a spoon or fork by himself, he makes this clear with grunts and gestures. He is attached to his swaddling blanket and enjoys falling alseep with his big brother in the rooom too. He prefers fruit over any other food and if he sees the plums or strawberries he will insist on eating all of them. He also likes our dog a lot and will pet her and give her kisses, thankfully she is very tolerant and just takes anything. We love Abram and are thankful to celebrate his first birthday. We pray he blesses those in his life and he becomes a friend of God.
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